Adding a Tutor

Adding a Tutor

  1. Hover over Activities
  2. Select Team Members where you will see the Directory of everyone on your team. 
  3. Click on Add a Team Member
  4. In the PERSONAL INFORMATION section fill in:
    1. Title:
    2. Suffix:
    3. First Name *Mandatory
    4. Last Name *Mandatory
    5. Birth Date *Mandatory
    6. Start Date *Mandatory
    7. Gender
  5. In the CONTACT INFORMATION section, enter the following details:
    1. Address line 1
    2. Address line 2
    3. Unit Type
    4. Unit Number
    5. City
    6. State
    7. Postal/Zip Code
    8. Country: *Mandatory
    9. Zone
    10. Phone Primary
    11. Phone Secondary
    12. Email: *Mandatory
  6. If you have the emergency contact details, fill them in the EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION section. None of these fields are mandatory. 
    1. Full name
    2. Phone Number
    3. Email
  7. In the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section define the following details: 
    1. User Name *Mandatory
    2. Groups: Tutors*Mandatory
    3. Password: *Mandatory
    4. Confirm Password *Mandatory
    5. Status: *Mandatory
      • Active
      • Inactive 
      • On Hold - If the tutor is taking a trip or going to school for a semester
      • Close - If the tutor has left, you can then document why
        • Resigned
        • Terminated
  8. Checkbox Preferences:
    1. Available for Online Tutoring: To document for your records as a franchisee.
    2. Do Not Send Home Office Emails: If the tutor doesn’t want to receive any Home Office Communication (ie. newsletters/blog). Default: OFF
    3. Do Not Send Local Emails: If the tutor doesn’t want to receive communication from the Local Office. If this button is clicked, ALL communication including session reports (but not Your Feedback Survey) will not be sent to this tutor. Default: OFF
    4. Receive Matching Emails: If the client wants to receive Matching Email Updates. Default: ON or based on Matching Preferences
  9. Click SAVE. The tutor will receive an email with their username and password for the System. You’ll then be taken to the Directory where you can see everyone on your team. 

To Edit and Add Attributes: 

  1. From the Directory list 
  2. Click on the Pencil icon to edit the new tutor’s account.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click on Tutor Attributes. Depending on whether you have allowed this setting in your Matching Preferences, your tutor will also be able to access this page and make edits to his account.  
  4. In the BIO section
    1. Upload a Profile Picture
    2. Input a Tagline 
    3. Add a Biography. 
  5. In the SUBJECT ATTRIBUTES section, add the subjects your tutor can teach: 
    1. Select Category 
    2. Select Subject
    3. Select Grades:  Hold down the control key to select more than one grade at once. 
  6. Click ADD NEW SUBJECT ATTRIBUTE and it will populate below. 
  7. In the SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES section, 
    1. Add in any experiences related to X-Skills
      • Study Skills
      • Organizational Skills
      • Test Taking Skills
      • Test Anxiety
      • Core-Content Support
      • Homework Completion
      • Time Management
      • Technology Fluency
      • Other Executive Skills
    2. Special Needs 
      • Autism Spectrum
      • Speech/Language Delays
      • Adhd
      • Social/Emotional Disorders
      • Dyslexia
      • Other Special Education
    3. Generic 
      1. Do you have a teaching Qualification?
      • Yes
      • No
  8. In the BACKGROUND CHECK section 
    1. Checked on: the date the Background check was completed
    2. Checked by: Who in the office has reviewed it
    3. Expires on: When the background check expires, typically 1 year, or as frequent or more frequently than the local school board. 
    4. Document: Scanned copy of report
  9. Click ADD NEW BACKGROUND CHECK to document it in the system. 
  10. Click SAVE.

To Add Additional Files: 

  1. Click on Add Note in the left hand menu 
    1. Add subject
    2. Module:
      • Contact
      • Consultation
      • Sessions
      • Employees
    3. Select Private if you don’t want anyone to see it
    4. Note: Any comments you have
    5. Attachment: Upload any files
  2. Click SAVE

To Update the Tutor’s Time Availability 

  1. Click on Time Available in the left hand menu. 
  2. Preferred Weekly Hours: Document the ideal number of hours the tutor wants to be tutoring per week. This will be helpful with tutor capacity in a future phase. 
  3. Select the hours the tutor is available 
  4. To change a selection, just click on the range and click OK to delete it. 
  5. Click SAVE

Setting the Pay Rate

  1. Click on Pay Rate on the left hand menu 
  2. Student: Select Student name or Default as the standard hourly rate 
    1. If a particular student has a different hourly rate, you can select the student once matched, here. 
  3. Type: choose the type of tutoring in case you have different rates
    • In Person 
    • Online 
  4. Pay Rate: Enter the amount you will pay the tutor per hour
  5. Rate Start Date: Select the start date
  6. Click ADD PAY RATE and it will show below.