Added zip code data in the Revenue Reconciliation Report export. The Revenue Reconciliation Report includes the client’s zip code when exported as Excel, PDF etc.
Added zip code data in the Open Invoice Hours Report export. The Open Invoice Hours Report includes the client’s zip code when exported as Excel, PDF etc.
When casting General and Specific all the tutors’ emails will be in the BBC field. Additionally, created a new preference section under notification preferences called “Specific Tutor Email-Job Cast”. In this case, when an email is previewed and sent, the email(s) under the newly added preference will be shown in the “To” email address field.
Added Date Range in Tutor Supplier Report export
Added print feature for Transaction history (export as PDF CSV Excel)
Quick match email will now send direct email to tutors instand of BCC. You can now send direct emails to tutors upon quick-match. Previously, the To field would populate and the BCC field would populate the tutor’s email address. Also, added a new notification preference under the general notification section named “Quick Match Email-Tutors”.
Rebranding of the Sales Ranking Wheel
Repeat appointments function will now work for rematched tutors if there is only one tutor matched to the student.
Fixed an issue with jobs not showing up in tutor’s profile(rare scenario/very specific case)