Booking Tutor Appointments (Tutor View)
- Hover over My Students and click Matched Students.
- Click on the **Calendar Icon next to the student you want to book an appointment for
- Select the day and time the tutoring will take place.
- In the CREATE APPOINTMENT pop-up confirm the appointment details:
- Student: Automatically populated from Student Match, *Mandatory
- Subject: Automatically populated from Student Match *Mandatory
- Sessions Per Week: Automatically populated from Student Match *Mandatory
- Duration: Automatically populated based on the time you selected on the calendar. Make sure to confirm that this is the correct length of time outlined in the match. *Mandatory
- Session Type: *Mandatory
- Remaining number of Hours: Reminds the tutor of how many hours are left with the student
- Tutoring Address: Automatically populated from Student Match. Reminds the tutor of location
- Repeat (if you want to set up recurring appointments, based on standard calendar settings
- None
- Daily (select the frequency, when it needs to end)
- Weekly (select the day, when it needs to end)
- Monthly (select the frequency, when it needs to end)
- Click SAVE.
**You can also integrate your calendar with the system so that tutor appointments can appear in their personal calendar. As well, you can see their existing commitments within the System and book around them. If you don’t want the office to see your personal schedule use another calendar that is just designated for tutor appointments.
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