Casting a Job

Casting a Job

  1. Client Care > Clients to access clients now that they are no longer leads. 
  2. Click on the Person icon to access the student’s account 
  3. Click on Cast the Job icon
  4. In CAST TYPE,  decide how we want to cast the job 
    1. General: posts it on everyone’s job board 
    2. General + Specific: Posts on everyone’s job board but we can alert specific tutors with an email.  
    3. Specific: Posts only to specific tutors you specify with an email alert 
  5. In the JOB INFORMATION section, review and update the following information:
    1. Student: Auto populated from Enrollment *Mandatory
    2. Enrollment: Auto populated from Enrollment *Mandatory
    3. Subject Category: Select from Subjects determined in the Enrollment *Mandatory
    4. Year: Auto Populated from Lead form *Mandatory
    5. Subject: Based on Subject Category and Enrollment form *Mandatory
    6. Enrollment Length: Auto populates once Subject is determined based on Enrollment *Mandatory
    7. Match Type:  *Mandatory but only visible to internal office team
      1. New
      2. Tutor Resignation
      3. Parent request
      4. Other
      5. Additional Student
    8. Timelines: *Mandatory in case a family wants to start tutoring in a specific upcoming month
      1. Immediate
      2. January
      3. February
      4. March
      5. April
      6. May
      7. June
      8. July
      9. August
      10. September
      11. October
      12. November 
      13. December
    9. Priority: To help internal team to identify the urgency of the match.  There is no set way to define these, they are based on local office preferences. *Mandatory
    10. Requested Start Date: If a date has been requested you can list it here
    11. Match Status: Auto populated by the system. *Mandatory
    12. Sessions Per week: Auto Populated based on Enrollment *Mandatory
    13. Select the check boxes:
      1. Notify Recruiter: If you need to notify your recruiter (based on contact set in Matching Preferences)
      2. Urgent Email Now: If you need the casting email to be sent immediately to the tutors instead of in the regular batched emails (based on Matching Preferences)
    14. Area: The general area that this tutoring will occur to give the tutors a geographical reference
    15. Assign to: If you want to assign to a member of your internal team.
    16. Exclude Specific Tutors:  Only seen in Cast Type: General and General + Specific. If there is a tutor that we didn’t want to notify, for example, if it was a rematch and the tutor is still on the roster, we can add their names here and they will not be notified or see the match on their job board.
    17. Email Specific Tutors: Only seen in Cast Type: General + Specific and Specific for specific tutors to see the posting. *Mandatory in the General + Specific and Specific Cast Type.
    18. Student Summary: Editable and auto populated from the mandatory fields in the Consultation Report.
      1. Expectations of tutoring 
      2. Learning Disability
      3. Personality
  6. Click CAST.
  7. Click OK

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