Community Marketing: Guerilla Marketing

Community Marketing: Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing activities often prove to be some of the most productive. By definition, they are innovative and often spontaneous activities, designed to catch the public by surprise. Franchisees are strongly encouraged to create their own GM activities and to replicate previous successful campaigns such as those listed below:
  1. Rock hiding campaign
  2. Bike painting campaign
  3. Coffee table at school parents’ evening
  4. Water stand at school sports day
  5. Flyering cars during parents' evening

These Guerilla activities/campaigns (as with most community marketing initiatives) typically have a great ROI and will help to significantly reduce your overall F1 cost per lead.

Key Points
  1. The more inventive the better. Catch people off guard and make them think!
  2. The TD Family Facebook group is a great place for finding out about previous campaigns and swapping ideas with other franchisees

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