Completing a consultation report

Completing a consultation report

A consultation report summarizes what happened in the consultation with your client. It should look familiar to you because it follows the Recommendation for Success form. To complete a consultation report, follow these instructions:

  1. In the upper menu bar, click Lead to Consult > Leads. You will see the LIST OF ALL LEADS

  2. Click on the person icon in the Student Details column. This will take you to THE LIST OF STUDENTS associated with that lead

  3. Click on the form icon to complete the Consultation Report

  4. In the LEAD DETAILS section, update the information if you learned anything new during the consult, including:

    • First Name: Carried through from Lead Form

    • Last Name: Carried through from Lead Form

    • Date of Birth: Carried through from Lead Form

    • Age

    • Consult Date: Carried through from Consult Booking

    • Assessed By: EC assigned to the consult

    • Level: Level of studies, differs by country, carried through from Lead Form

    • Gender:

      • Male

      • Female

      • Undisclosed

    • Subject Category: Larger category of subjects, based on Level and Country, carried through from Lead Form

    • Areas of Tutoring: Further breaks down the category, based on Subject Category ie. calculus, geometry, math, statistics, carried through for Lead Form

    • Siblings

  5. In the HISTORY section, some of these fields are not mandatory, but it’s recommended that you document them as you learn more about you student. You can use them for future conversations with the family.

    • Educational Context: Previous schools, any teacher issues, periods of absence

    • Personality: *Mandatory and will carry through to casting

      • Select up to 3 statements that would summarize the personality of the student

    • Hobbies

    • Last year’s Grades

    • First start to notice and how long?

    • How long looking for academic support?

    • Previously Tutored

      • Yes

      • No

  6. In the CURRENT SITUATIONS section, fill out the following details to the best of your ability:

    • Report Card Observations

    • This Year’s Grades:

    • Have you had other conversations with the teachers?

    • Homework

    • Text books/resources used?

    • Organization skills

    • Learning Style Assessment:

      • Auditory

      • Visual

      • Kinesthetic

    • Assessments Completed:

      • Yes

      • No

    • Areas of most concern

    • Learning Disability/IEPs: *Mandatory and will carry through to casting

      • Mark N/A if no learning disabilities

  7. In the GOALS & ASPIRATIONS section, fill out the following details to the best of your ability:

    • Parent Expectations

    • Goals and Targets

    • Expectations of Tutoring: *Mandatory and will carry through to casting

  8. In the TUTORING PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION section, include information collected on the Recommendation for Success form:

    • Fill In Missing Foundations:

      • Plan:

      • Tool:

    • Keep at Pace with Class

      • Plan:

      • Tool:

    • Move Ahead:

      • Plan:

      • Tool:

  9. In the RECOMMENDATIONS section, fill out the following information collected on the Recommendation for Success form:

    • Number of Sessions/Week: Carries through to Enrollment and Casting

    • Number of Hours: Carries through to Enrollment and Casting

    • Length of Sessions (In Minutes): Carries through to Enrollment and Casting

    • Hourly Rate: Carries through to Enrollment and Casting

    • X-Skills ™

      • Yes

      • No

    • Rationale

  10. OTHER

    • Additional Considerations (not learning disabilities/IEP): Include other details that you think might be helpful to keep in mind (e.g., parking, explicit tutor preference, languages spoken, family dynamic, religious factors)

    • Pet Situation

    • Share Assessment Report with Tutor

  11. TIME AVAILABILITY: Select the days of the week and times that the student is available for tutoring by

    • hovering over the start time

    • clicking the + button

    • dragging your mouse to the end time

  12. Click the SAVE button. This will bring you back to the LIST OF STUDENTS associated with your lead.

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