DBA 2019 - Keynote Speaker Bios (Kevin Hallinan)

DBA 2019 - Keynote Speaker Bios (Kevin Hallinan)

At DBA this year, Kevin Hallinan will be speaking about the concept of the buyer-seller dance and how to take the lead. In Kevin’s own words:

“In every sales conversation, someone is leading, and someone is following. When the buyer leads, we give away too much information and get next to nothing in return. Leaders most often get what they want, and of course, followers don’t. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to spot who’s in control, and to comfortably and seamlessly become the leader to achieve more of the results you want. When we close more business, we are able to help more people!”

Identifying and avoiding non-productive prospect behaviour.
Learning to comfortably and nicely take control of selling scenarios and conversations.
Achieving desired sales results more often, and more easily.
Discovering why traditional sales methods no longer work.

Please see attachment for more information on Kevin Hallinan

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