New Report: Background Check report: This filter is
available to all users who have access to Franchise Reports. Users are be able
to find tutors with expired background checks as well as find tutors who have
an upcoming expiration check. The ability to export the report has been added
as well. There are two radio buttons to filter the report: Expired and Expiring
In. The report defaults to Expired showing all the tutors with an expired
background check. The Expiring In field defaults to 30 days, showing tutors
with an expiration coming up to 30 days in the future (or depending on the
numeric value, the filter allows any value from 1-1000).
Minor corrections to paid and prepaid hours calculations
on account summary, Revenue Reconciliation report and Open Invoice Hours
reports: Users have now the ability to get accurate paid/prepaid hours calculation
based on collected payments for particular accounts and enrollments.
Fixed the issue with the session type dropdown when
editing session reports
Fixed an issue where session dates show as the day of
approval on the date of the session.
Fixed an issue with web leads not populating the country
Fixed an issue where deleted zones show up as a dropdown
Fixed a specific issue with Tutor Supplier report’s date
filter. Only affected a small number of users based on their preferences.
Various user specific fixes