Employee Benefits Program - How to Create a Program With Local Businesses

Employee Benefits Program - How to Create a Program With Local Businesses

This outline has been built on concrete experience that has been obtained by the field support team in the past with building these partnerships both for Home Office as well as experiences the business coaches have had in the field. 

The purpose of this article is to provide you with the materials and content to prepare you to approach and partner up with local businesses in your territory to offer discounted and exclusive pricing to their staff as part of their Employee Benefits program. Fully editable flyers are attached below for you to use.

Step 1: Refine your offering

What are you prepared to offer the specific business you are approaching? Frame out the discount you will be offering to their employees. 

Sample 1  10% off total package price:


Regular Price

Discounted Price 

Discounted Total































Sample 2 Free Hours upon enrollment:



Total Package Price

Free Hours

Free Hours if Paid in Full


























Let’s walk through the F4 and our cost structure.
Let’s assume a family enrolls for a 96 hour package valued at $4,224 ($44/hr). The family pays in full so in this example they would receive 8 free additional hours.
Let’s also assume that you pay your tutors $20/hour.
  1. F1 = $160 ($20 x 8 hours; no marketing expense)
  2. F2 = 100% ($125 F1 benchmark / 50% benchmark = $250 max. we’ll spend to achieve a consultation. So it’s ok to have a $160 F1.)
  3. F3 = 100% (Already a closed sale.)
  4. F4 = $4,224
You’re spending $160 and turning it into a $4,224 sale which can be looked at as a 3.8% marketing spend!

This can be customized to better reflect your in market pricing and/or a different discounted percentage.

As this initiative does not require any investment on your end, this allows you to reallocate the 10% marketing spend that we initially plan for to account for the spend that it will take for us to implement these cost savings!


Step 2: Identify small businesses and corporate offices located within your territory

Compile a list of businesses that you want to engage with. You can find their company contact  information on their website/google.

Businesses to target
  1. Corporate Buildings/multi-unit office buildings
  2. Career Centres
  3. Day Care Centres
  4. Dentist Offices
  5. Doctor’s Offices
NOTE: You do not need to target big scale businesses - in this scenario we are focusing on quantity over quality as they will be doing the marketing for us, this initiative only costs us the time it takes to reach out to offer the service. We want to focus on small to midsize businesses, keeping in mind that if the business covers any portion of another franchisees territory that we need to be mindful to loop them in on the offering. 

When searching online for businesses to target use the format ‘<business type> in <town/city/region>’. For example: ‘Family owned businesses in Downtown Toronto’

Step 3: Phone Calls/In Person Visits:

“Hello, my name is _____ and I am calling from Tutor Doctor. We are a local 1-1, personalized tutoring service provider and I am looking to speak with your <HR Manager/General Manager/Owner> regarding discounted services that I would like to offer to your employees as a benefit.

***Connect with applicable person***

Hi ____, thank you for speaking with me today! My name is _____ from Tutor Doctor. We provide customized 1-1 tutoring services to students in the <town/city names in which you service> areas. I would like to offer you and your employee’s exclusive pricing on our tutoring services. I have some information that I can send you via email, is this something that you are interested in?”

Yes – “That is great! We have seen an increase in demand for our services lately and I am looking forward to being able to offer this benefit to your organization. I will send you an email with an overview of the pricing structure and savings as well as some materials that you can use to share with your staff. Here is my phone number in case you have any questions __________. I will also follow up with you in a few days to ensure that you have everything you need.”

No – “I really think this would be a great value add for your employees. We have seen an increasing demand for personalized tutoring in the past few months and I would love to be able to provide this benefit to your organization. Would you mind if I sent you an email with an overview of the discounted pricing and follow up with you in a few days?”

*Send email using templates provided*
NOTE: If in person, have a hard copy of the flyers and discounted pricing overview in a branded consultation folder to review with them in person. If you were not able to connect with someone, proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Email Templates

ONLY if you are unable to connect with someone in person or via phone, use the below template to introduce your offer:

Hello _____,

My name is _____ from Tutor Doctor. We provide support to students in the <town/region/city names> areas both in home and online and would like to offer you and your staff exclusive pricing on our services as a discounted employee benefit. You will find attached an overview of our services and would like to get in touch with someone to discuss this opportunity. If you are interested in including this as part of your Employee Benefits please let me know! You can reach me at <phone number> or via this email.

DO NOT Include attachments in order to avoid being sent to junk mail as an unknown sender**

<Email Signature>

If you have already spoken to someone in person or via phone:

Hello _____,

This is _____ from Tutor Doctor, I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today and I <am looking forward to providing OR would like to offer> exclusive discounted pricing to you and your staff. As promised, you will find linked and attached the following:
  1. A video which includes an in-depth overview of our company and services: 
    1. NA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXGVamS9TwQ&t=1s
    2.  UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z_LrHWCPuA&t=1s
    3.  AUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsfbTxpqdE4&t=1s
    4.  NA Client Testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9C6HS1QDZ8
  2. An overview of your discounted pricing 
  3. A flyer for you to share with your staff – hard copies of these can be provided 
If you have any questions at all please let me know. I will follow up with you on <3-5 days after introduction> to ensure that you have everything that you need.

<Email Signature>

Attach Files - Promo Video: About Tutor Doctor, pricing breakdown and flyers that can be posted in employee lounge/on company website/distributed to employees via email.
Fully editable flyers are attached and can be downloaded from the bottom of this page or can be found in the Resource Library Here:
NA - https://dmsvo.tutordoctor.com/download/cashier-counter-flyer-north-america/
UK -  https://dmsvo.tutordoctor.com/download/cashier-counter-flyer-uk/  

Next Steps: Each company will navigate this offering differently. Once an agreement is made you will need to identify with the employer how they will communicate this to their employees, hope they will be able to sign up and any collateral they would need from you  in order to get moving ahead (I.e Flyers, company information etc).

Steps For <Business Name> Employees To Connect With A Local Office
  1. Visit www.tutordoctor.com  and enter in your zip code
    1. The website will direct you to the local office that services the area
    2. If a local office doesn’t appear then the employee can choose the closest office on a map. 
  2. Complete the webform (see screenshot below)
  3. In the ‘How can we help you?’ section, please include that you’re a <insert business name> staff member and reference the promo code: <Create Promo Code>
  4. Upon submitting this form, the local office will reach out to schedule a consultation.

Step 5: Tracking in BANG

In order to track this campaign in BANG, utilize the Unique Promo Code as a campaign name.

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