To cast a job to the global tutor network:
- First, navigate to the Tutors tab > Global Tutor Search
- In the Filter window, make sure to filter for any of the following fields:
- Country
- Level
- Tutor
- Category
- Special Needs
- Subject
- Select Apply when done. The resulting list will include tutors who match your filtered criteria.
- Next, select tutors that you would like to invite to apply to your global job by checking the radio buttons to the left of their names.
- Select Invite on the bottom of the screen.
- The next screen will allow you to cast a job for a specific student. The form contains the following fields that will need to be filled:
- Student
- Enrollment ID
- Subject/Level
- Enrollment Length (in hours)
- Sessions per Week
- Session Length
- Requested Start Date
- Job Description
- Student Availability (**days and time slots selected will only affect this job posting, not the student's current availability in BANG)
*It is also recommended to include the Hourly Rate and Currency fields as well.
Result: When all necessary fields are filled out, select Invite at the bottom of the screen. BANG will send an email (BCC) to invite the selected tutors to apply for the job you have posted. You will have a chance to edit the email before casting the job.