Google My Business Q&A Section

Google My Business Q&A Section

The Google My Business (GMB) Q&A section serves as a dynamic platform where curious consumers can pose inquiries directly to businesses, seeking clarification on products, services, and operational details. Conversely, it presents businesses with a unique opportunity to engage with their audience in real-time, offering personalized responses that address concerns and showcase expertise.

This often overlooked feature contributes to shaping consumer perceptions, boosting search engine visibility, and ultimately fostering trust and credibility. Understanding the pivotal role of the Q&A section is paramount for businesses seeking to leverage their online presence effectively and cultivate meaningful relationships with their audience.

1. Where does the Questions & Answers section live on Google My Business (GMB)? 
This feature lives on the business Knowledge Panel in Search results and in Google Maps on mobile. 

2. What is the Q&A section for?
This is a place for users to ask questions directly about a business and get an answer. Then those questions and answers are searchable and other people can view them as well. 

3. What if I already have questions on my GMB listing?
Log in to your account that you use to access your GMB listing, visit the Knowledge Panel in a search, and answer the question! 

4. What if I don’t have any questions on my GMB listing?
You should create some questions, and answer them for your prospective clients. Otherwise, Google will pull answers automatically from your Google reviews- which you cannot control.  See the unfortunate example below - as I typed my question Google pulled all related reviews, even highlighting text they thought would help answer my question. This happened before I finished typing!

5. How do I create my own Q&As? 
First, search for your business name. When you see your Knowledge Panel on the right, click “Ask a question” and type in any frequently asked question you think is valuable to your local clients. Next, log in to the account that you use to manage your GMB account. Then find your Knowledge Panel again by doing a search. Click the Answer button, and answer your question!

While you are at it, go to Settings from inside your Google My Business listing, and turn on notifications for future questions. 

6. What questions should I ask? 
The questions on is a great place to start!

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