How Do I Join Tutor Doctor Facebook Groups?

How Do I Join Tutor Doctor Facebook Groups?

If you have not been added to the Tutor Doctor Family and Tutor Doctor Share Facebook Groups, follow the steps below to join.

  1. Please use the following link to request to join our Tutor Doctor Facebook Family page and begin engaging with your Tutor Doctor community!:
  2. If you're having trouble joining any group, add our Content and Marketing Specialist, Donia, and send her a direct message:

Tutor Doctor Family Facebook Group

This is a group where Tutor Doctor franchisees can stay connected, stay updated and ask questions in a safe space. This group is for Tutor Doctor Franchisees and Home Office Team members only.

Facebook Group Code of Conduct

  • This group is solely for the purpose of discussing and sharing Tutor Doctor related activities, events, and topics of interest -  please keep this in mind when posting all content.
  • Franchisees must not submit personal inquiries addressed to Home Office in this group; members shall continue to submit all inquiries to our ticketing system by emailing
  • Members are to refrain from disclosing personal, financial, and legal details at all times.
  • Members shall not intentionally injure the reputation or practices of other group members.
  • Members shall maintain positive discussions on the forum at all times. Please provide constructive criticism when offering feedback and avoid destructive language.
  • All Franchisees shall not directly or indirectly, on their/his/her own behalf or in the service of or on behalf of others, in any capacity solicit the business of any customer, consultant or vendor.
  • Franchisees shall not post non-Tutor Doctor related material or use this group for the promotion of other ventures and personal activities; all material unrelated to Tutor Doctor will be considered as “spam” and will be removed immediately.
  • Violation of any of the items above will result in the immediate removal of such content and may prohibit your participation in this group.