How To Use FTP?

How To Use FTP?

Using FileZilla to connect to your site:

Please follow the following steps to FTP content onto your web site using FileZilla.

Step 1

Start the FileZilla program if it is not already running. You can do this by clicking on the Start button >> Programs >> FileZilla >> FileZilla

Step 2

FileZilla opens up; the FileZilla main window is divided into the following sections:

Step 3

To connect to your Tutor Doctor  using FTP, please enter the FTP IP ( address into Address / host field of the Quick connect bar.

Enter your FTP Username and password into User and Password field of the Quick connect bar respectively. Enter 21 into the Port Field, and then press the quick connect button. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet.

Step 4

FileZilla should now connect to your server and should display messages like the ones shown in the window below:

Note: if you are unable to connect to the server, you must check and ensure that your internet  connection is working fine.

Step 5

After you have successfully connected to the server, a list of server files and folders appears on the right side of the main window and your machine files and folder appears on the left side of the main window.

Step 6

You can transfer files both ways either from local machine to the server or from the server to the local machine. You may either double-click the file you wish to transfer or you may drag and drop files from their respective windows. The Files you transfer are added to the Queue Manager File List.

Step 7

To transfer folders and/or multiple files, select them and right-click the selection. Then you can click on Upload/Download in the popup menu

To add files to the queue so that they will be transferred later, select them and click Add to Queue from the popup menu. You may also drag the files directly into the queue. Click on the button on the toolbar to start the transfer or go to the queue menu and click on Process queue (Queue > Process Queue).

Note: You can also drag the files from one side and drop them on the other side.