How to Write a Great Email Subject Line

How to Write a Great Email Subject Line

You've put together an amazing email, but how do you actually get people to open it? Below are some things to consider when writing a subject line:
  1. Emojis – Helps your email stand out in someones inbox.
  2. Personalization – You can personalize your subject lines with someone's first name for example. This makes the receiver feel special and more likely to open the email. In face, personalized subject lines are shown to increase open rates by 50%. 
  3. Questions – Making your subject line a question adds intrigue, encouraging people to open it. 
  4. Short & sweet – Make sure your subject line is not too wordy as it needs to grab someone's attention
  5. Using sub-headline  - Use the sub-headline to add context to your email. 
  6. A/B Test – You can split test two subject lines to help optimize your open rate. 
  7. Check before using – use an online platform like the EMV Headline Analyzer to check your subject line (more details on this below). 
  8. Remember mobile – Many people are viewing their inbox on their phones - keep this mind when crafting your subject line. This links back to keeping it short and sweet. 

Subject Line Tips for Your Facebook Group Emails

People get tons of emails in their inbox each day, and it's important that your email subject headings are eye catching so that people click on it and read the contents of your email.
Which would you be more likely to open?
I went live in my FB group today OR How to find out if you’re a visual learner
Join my FB group! OR OPEN THIS to see how I can help you

Some tips:
  1. Make sure to mix up the wording of your subject heading lines week to week. For example, if you are doing a FB live series on learning style, don’t make your email subject line every week “How to find out if you're a ____ learner.”
  2. If possible, include your customer’s name in the email subject line from time to time. For example, “Sally, this is how to find out if you’re a visual learner.”
  3. Your subject line should be loosely based on the contents of your email, but you can be a little mysterious and not give everything away. For example, “You REALLY missed out on my FB live this week.”
  4. Capitalize words to put emphasis on important parts of your email subject line. For example, “The one thing you have to do for your business and why you should do it NOW.”
  5. Set up a folder in your inbox and sign up for a bunch of different email lists. This way, you will always have inspiration for email formats and subject lines when you are stuck.

Checking Your Subject Line

To check the EMV (Emotional Marketing Value) score of your headline, visit:
Type in your headline in the box and press analyze.
A few things to keep in mind:
  1. Your subject headline must be at least 4 words for this tool to work
  2. The higher the EMV score the better- make sure its at least 40% or above
Your headline will be analyzed and scored based on the total number of EMV words it has in relation to the total number of words it contains. In addition to the EMV score, You will find out which emotion your customer's your headline most impacts:

It's ALL about wording, so don’t be afraid to test a couple of different headlines with different wording to see which one will perform best. 
Here’s an example of slight wording variations can change the EMV score:
  1. This is why you should exercise everyday (EMV= 28%)
  2. Why you should exercise everyday (EMV= 40%)
  3. You should exercise everyday (EMV= 50%)
The better your EMV score, the higher your open rate.

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