Integrating your calendar

Integrating your calendar

Integrating your calendar

Adding External Calendar to the System

  1. Hover over the Gear Icon
  2. Select My Profile in the drop-down menu
  3. In the Calendar Email field, add your Google Calendar account (email) that you would like to share with BANG.
  4. Click SAVE

Sharing Google Calendar with the System

  1. Log into Google Contacts
  2. Click Create Contact
  3. In the Email field, enter You may set the contact name as TD Care Center
  4. Click Save
  5. Log into your Google Calendar
  6. Under My Calendars, click on the three dots next to your calendar 
  7. Select Settings and sharing
  8. Under Calendar Settings, make sure that the time zone is the same as what you set up in the System. Otherwise, the bookings will not show up correctly
  9. Scroll down to the Share with specific people section
  10. Click ADD PEOPLE
  11. Type in the email link ( to set up sharing with the System
  12. Update Permissions to Make changes and manage sharing (Make changes to events at minimum)
  13. Click SEND
Now, when you book a consultation, it will automatically create an event in your Google calendar.

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