Enhancements & Fixes:
Enrollment ID: Added enrollment numbers in Appointment/Session Report list views, in client and student detail view sub panels, as well as in session report exports - this means users will be able to understand which session reports apply to specific enrollments
Session Reports > Submitted/Approved view: Updated the default date rage of the Session Reports lists to rolling 60 days instead of current calendar month; in the new month, there is no longer a need to set date range to view previous months' session reports
Status Filter on the Revenue Reconciliation Report: Added the ability to see inactive, on hold and closed account statuses in the report
Advanced Filters on Tutor Matching Dashboard & Job Board: enhanced the filtering experience; users now have the ability to filter by Match Type, Match Status, Priority, Subject, Level, Age and more
Session Report Approved - Template Enhancement: Improved fonts and spacing in session report approved email template
Lead Transfer functionality: Disabled the lead transfer functionality for Care Centre users; franchise users and Care Centre will no longer need to transfer leads to each other, which had resulted in locked, un-editable leads