Getting Local Video Testimonials From Your Clients & Tutors

Getting Local Video Testimonials From Your Clients & Tutors

Video testimonials are one of the best ways to tell the brand story in a way that triggers emotions. Be sure to read through this whole article for filming guidelines, questions to consider asking clients / students / tutors, and FAQs!

Video Testimonials - Digital Marketing Gold Webinar Recording

Guidelines for Filming Video Footage

You want to be as flexible as possible with your clients when getting video testimonials, but we've provided some tips below for filming. 
  1. Footage can be filmed on a phone or dekstop/laptop
  2. You should aim to get the video in landscape rather than portrait
  3. The Rule of Thirds: when filming try to follow this rule by having the person in two thirds of the frame as per the example below:

  4. If you / your family has a phone tripod this is ideal to use, but if not not to worry! You can simply hold the phone.
  5. Lighting - room with natural light. 
  6. Sound - quiet room, person should be somewhat close to your phone.
  7. Location - in the home or outside. Be sure the background is neat and tidy. 
  8. Video release form - be sure to have your client complete and sign the video release form. DOWNLOAD VIDEO RELEASE FORM >>
  9. Length of video. You want to aim for 1-3 minutes.

Questions to Consider Asking 

Clients / Families / Students
  1. What were your main reasons for seeking out tutoring?
  2. How has your tutor helped your student?
  3. What has your student achieved since starting tutoring sessions with Tutor Doctor?
  4. How has Tutor Doctor helped with the whole family?
  5. Why did you choose Tutor Doctor?
  6. What’s the main reason you would recommend Tutor Doctor?
  7. What would tell another parent considering tutoring for their child?

  1. Why did you become a tutor? / What made you decide to become a tutor?
  2. What do you like about being a tutor with Tutor Doctor?
  3. What do you like most about being a tutor?
  4. What did you do before becoming a tutor?
  5. (i.e. university student, former/retired teachers, full time job as well as being a tutor)
  6. How has being a tutor impacted your life?
  7. What was your educational journey like? Were you ever tutored as a student?
Note: You don't need to ask all of the above questions. These questions are just recommendations to help get a great story out of your local testimonial. 

How to Approach Clients to Film a Video Testimonial

How to select clients/students to film for the video
  1. Take a look at your NPS scores in YourFeedbackSurvey and consider reaching out to clients that gave you a 9 or 10.
  2. Have any clients contacted you recently about their student achieving something awesome? Get in touch with them!
  3. If you've seen anything that stands out in a recent session report, you could also consider contacting that client.
  4. Ask your tutors for any recommendations on clients they think would be good to film.
You can reach out to them via email or over the phone. A call is a more personalized way to ask your clients, so you can consider calling first and then sending a follow up email as well. See the below email template you can use. 

Subject line: Share your Tutor Doctor experience

Hi [First Name],

At Tutor Doctor, we strive to exceed every client's expectations - and we hope we've accomplished that for you. One of the best ways for us to continue providing quality tutoring, and help more parents in our community feel confident about our services, is to showcase the experience our students and families have had with our tutoring programs.

We are filming some video testimonials of our families and students to use on our website and social media, and would love for you to be a part of this! The process will be made as easily as possible - we'll send you some questions we'll ask in advance and can come to your home to film. It should take no more than 30 minutes of your time.

Please let me know if you'd be interested in talking about your experience with Tutor Doctor, and we can set up a time within the next week or so to film.

If you have any questions, please let me know. We would greatly appreciate your support in this and look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Using Videos In Your Local Marketing

  1. Facebook:  Upload your video to your local Facebook Page and pin it to the top of your page so that it stands out.  You can also consider boosting this post to gain more reach.
    Note: You can post a YouTube link to Facebook, however you will get more engagement with the video by posting the mp4 file directly to Facebook.
  2. Instagram: Add the video to your IGTV. Find out how to do that here.
  3. Organic Website: Ask Scorpion to add this video to your local website. You’ll need to provide Scorpion with the YouTube link. Send the Marketing Team your video testimonial file and we can upload on the Tutor Doctor TV YouTube channel!
  4. PPC Landing Pages: Speak with your PPC vendor about including the video on your PPC landing pages. We advise setting this up to be split tested to see how video impacts your conversion rates. 

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