Matching the Student (after Casting)

Matching the Student (after Casting)

  1. Matching > Matching Dashboard. This is where you’ll see a summary of the current matches in progress
  2. Click on underlined number beside the student to access the list of tutors that have applied for that student under Applicants column
  3. Review the tutors that have applied and their submission
  4. Update the status from “To Review” in order to accept the tutor
    • To Review
    • Good potential need to contact
    • Contacted Tutor awaiting response
    • Tutor has been matched and awaiting confirmation of first session from tutor
    • Good as second choice
    • Good as third choice
  5. Click the Checkmark (Accept Tutor Icon) to accept the tutor
    • **If Matching Preferences are enabled, the system will send:
      • Acceptance Email to Tutor
      • Webform Email - Tutor (to book appointment)
      • Match Complete Email to Family
  6. *Review in email templates in Activities>Email Templates and the BANG Email Summary doc
  7. Click the Reject Icon to reject the tutor
    • **If Matching Preferences are enabled, the system will send:
      • Rejection Tutor - Franchisee
      • Rejection - Tutor 
  8. The Match Status has updated to Awaiting Session Scheduling
**Review in email templates in Activities > Email Templates and the BANG Email Summary doc

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