Enhancements & Fixes:
Added export capability to Session Reports: this feature is not available for tutors, franchisees and administrators.
Performance Improvements: on the session reports pages, you will now experience faster load times.
Session Report Export field: Added "Approved by" in Session report export.
Filtering Session Reports: Added the ability to filter sessions by contact, subject and session type (In Person or Online).
Exporting Student List: Added the ability to export Student list.
Job Acceptance Email (new data field): Added Student Name in the acceptance email that goes out to the tutor so that they can easily identify which job the email applies to.
Important Note: We have updated the (system default) Acceptance Email to Tutor email template for the aforementioned Student Name datapoint. Users will need to Duplicate/Reset their own templates in order to see these changes.
Email Field in Report: Added client’s email to Revenue Reconciliation Report.
Session Report (View Screen) Fix: Fixed the issue with “Actions” drop down when viewing a session report.
EC Column in Leads List: Added the EC column on the leads listing page - easily identify which EC is working on a lead. Ability to filter by EC.
Sales Ranking Dashboard and Sales Ranking Report: Added ability to see sales ranking across the franchise network (top 100 franchises).
GST/VAT/TAX breakdown in Royalty Report: Easily see transactions and Tax amounts (breakdown).