Rescheduling a consultation

Rescheduling a consultation

To reschedule a consultation that you have already booked, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper menu bar, click Lead to Consult > Leads. You will see the LIST OF ALL LEADS

  2. Click on Reschedule Icon to rebook the consultation.

  3. Select the date and time you want to reschedule the consultation for

  4. The CREATE CONSULTATION pop-up will show up with the following information:

    • Subject: Auto populated with “Consultation Booked: Name of Lead”

    • Status: Automatically updated to Consultation Booked  

    • Start Date: Populated based on calendar date and time you selected

    • Contact Name: Carried over from the Lead Form

    • End Date: Populated based on calendar date and time you selected

    • Address: Carried over from the Lead Form

    • Duration: You can select the length of time needed and it will update the End Date and time

    • Assigned To: You can change who the consultation is assigned to here

    • Booking Notes: This carries over from the Lead Form Booking Notes but you can edit and add to them here. This will populate in the EC’s calendar booking

  5. Click SAVE

  6. The COMPOSE EMAIL screen will open, and you will see the Consultation Booked Email To Family Email Template. Here, you have the option to edit the template, or leave the default email.

  7. Click the Send icon. The Leads Dashboard, will show that the Lead Status has changed to Consultation Rescheduled and Booked. If you calendar is synced with the System, you should see this booking auto-populate to your calendar.

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