March 16, 2021 Release Notes

March 16, 2021 Release Notes


Fixed an issue with session report input form. The session report email had problems with presenting text that contained bullet point formatting.

Improved, the tutor profile picture and made it centralized so only one upload photo can be displayed everywhere. The tutor can upload the profile picture in the User Profile Section with the added ability to crop, rotate and change the size of the picture. The franchise owner can check the picture in the Tutor Detail View page and click on the edit link that takes them to the Tutor Attributes page where they can crop, reset, remove accordingly. 

Added shortcut on tutor profile picture to lead into the add/edit bio page.

Added validation of 300 characters in consultation report.  The input in these fields should only contain 300 characters: Educational context, Hobbies, Last year's Grades, First start to notice and how long, How long looking for academic support?, Report Card Observations, This Year's Grades, Have you had other conversations with the teachers?, Homework, Text books/resources used?, Organization skills, Areas of most concern, Learning Disabilities/IEPs, Parent Expectations, Goals and Targets, Expectations of Tutoring, Rationale, Additional Considerations (not learning difficulties/IEP).

Fixed an issue with VAT calculation while cancelling an enrollment in a specific scenario with decimal values. 

Improved, username field restriction for security, now only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), characters (_@-) and periods (.) are allowed. Language special characters like é are now restricted.

Improved student age calculation. Age will now be dynamically calculated for all students.

Corrected and issue with the mass leads upload form CSV(excel file). Issue with campaign field not populating is now fixed.

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