Reviewing the Tutor Supplier Report
This report is available under Reports > Franchise Reports > Tutor Supplier Report.
The report highlights:
- A list of each tutor’s hours with the pay rates and revenue associated
- A view of what your percent tutor cost is for each tutor on your roster.
- Options to run: daily, weekly, monthly or an annually
- Filters for: appointment date, session submission date and session approved date
- Overall filter criteria options: submitted and approved status, submitted status only and approved status only
Best Practices for Tutor Supplier Reports
- When you hire your tutors, make it clear in their contract/agreement the requirement for session report submission including: accuracy, completeness, timeliness and that these are required in order to pay them.
- Outline the time from when the tutoring session is completed that session reports must be completed. A good best business practice is within 12 to 24 hours of session report.
- Ensure each tutor is trained on how to complete a session report.
- Provide the tutor with the components which must be included in each session report. Ideally these should tie back to the goals which were established at time of enrollment.
- Review session reports in a timely manner and provide regular feedback to the tutors on submission, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness.
TIP: Remember it is important a parent receives the session report before the next tutoring session!
Every Month:
- Ensure all active tutors are included on the report
- Tutor rates are in line with benchmarks – investigate any unusual amounts
- Confirm submitted hours is in the ballpark based on the recent tutoring which was scheduled
- Reconcile the Tutor Supplier Report total amount to what is booked into your Profit and Loss
TIP: Make sure you are aligning the month of your Profit and Loss to the dates you are selecting when you create the Tutor Supplier Report.
- Save/print off the report as back-up to the tutoring cost as well as use for forward cash flow planning
- At a total level, note the submitted hours, cost and calculate your average tutor cost per hour
- Make sure your bank account used to pay tutor payroll has adequate funds to cover the payroll costs and fees
TIP: Track what the total number of hours and cost by period, as this will help with your forward cash flow planning
- Compare different views of this report e.g. by appointment date versus session submission date
- Identify any discrepancies and investigate these to ensure sessions reports are up to date
- Compare this report with the Student Summary Report (both should balance)
- Contact tutors who are delinquent in their session report submission to resolve
- Remember your parents are expecting the session reports – and this is a key value add of Tutor Doctor!
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