The Signs - Design & Messaging

The Signs - Design & Messaging

Lawn/Yard Signs 

Putting up lawn/yard signs is an inexpensive way to capture the attention of potential clients in your community. Branded lawn signs will fuel your online marketing efforts and lower your costs of acquisition across all marketing channels.

Design & Messaging

Single colour, high contrast
For example black lettering on a white background is better as it reduces noise and increases clarity.

Keep messaging short
For example: “Private Tutor”, “Local Tutor”, “Private Tutoring”

Branding, branding, branding
Branded signs increase credibility and may filter the right audience (as opposed to those looking for a student tutor at $20/hour), as well as help fuel your online marketing efforts. 

Use a local tracking phone number enabled for texting
Make sure you only use this phone number for your signs. Please contact Home Office if you have not been assigned one yet or you don’t know where to find it.  Click here to learn about why unique tracking phone numbers are vital for your sign campaign!

Single or double sides are both OK
In some cases single sides may save you a few dollars but be extra aware of how you place them in order to increase visibility.

Consider sign size
For some locations - where 18x24 signs are too large to be tolerated by the city or residents you can choose smaller signs that can be placed on poles - they stay in place longer. Just make sure the contact information, the service, and the brand are large enough to see (you may remove the logo but keep the brand name)

Design Checklist 

  1. 18x24 signs (or smaller if your market is a bit unfriendly to large signs) 
  2. Short message at the top (“Private Tutor”, “Local Tutor”, “Private Tutoring”)
  3. Tutor Doctor logo or name 
  4. High contrast colour combination for example black and white (the fewer colours the better and this will likely reduce printing cost as well) 
  5. Exclusive lawn/yard signs tracking number

NEXT SECTION:  Placement Strategy >>

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