Tutor Newsletter Content Suggestions

Tutor Newsletter Content Suggestions

Newsletters are a way to provide your tutors with important information and resources and demonstrate that you are here to support them. It is important that your newsletters are engaging and content rich, but not overwhelming, to ensure that tutors read them and use them as a resource. 

Things to Consider Including in Each Newsletter:
Here are some examples of headings and content that you might want to include in your newsletter. Chose a few that work best for your business and consider changing up your headings/content often to keep tutors engaged. 

What’s New:

Any new information that you want tutors to be aware of. 

  • Important updates e.g. BANG release
  • New incentive or recognition programs e.g. Tutor of the Year, contests
  • New resources from Home Office, tutors, or that you have found e.g. Learning Styles Guide
  • Changes to local curriculum
  • New charities that you are supporting
  • Openings for EC or office positions
  • Urgent student matches

Tip of the Week/Month:

Tutoring Tips/Tutoring Strategies or Methods/Curriculum Tips

  • Tips from tutors- have tutors submit their tips to you; this is a great way to promote tutor engagement 
  • Links to blog posts e.g. blogs from Tutor Doctor website, tutoring/teaching blogs
  • Links to tutoring/teaching articles, videos, podcasts
  • Creative tutoring ideas e.g. turning board games into tutoring games - Pinterest is a great source of ideas
  • Great tutoring materials e.g. math manipulatives, board games, books, etc.

Resource of the Week/Month:

Tutor Talk Podcast:

Shout Outs/ Kudos Corner/ Recognition of the Week/Month/ Tutor of the Week/Month:

Recognition is key to helping tutors feel connected, valued, and appreciated! You may want to consider connecting your recognition with one of the Tutor Doctor values: Understanding, Curiosity, Ingenuity, Ownership, and Grit, to help tutors feel more connected to the brand and part of something big.

  • Client feedback 
  • Tutors recognizing other tutors for going above and beyond
  • Your/staff recognition of tutorsThank tutors for tutor referrals- celebrate the referrals that didn’t work out too! This allows tutors to see that the referral program is working and encourages them to refer too. 

Reminders/Don’t Forget:

  • Referral program
  • Session reports due within 12 hours of a completed session
  • Holiday office closures
  • We’re here to help! Contact us for any problems/concerns/questions
  • Office contact details- phone and email
  • Recognition/incentive program reminders 


  • Tutor birthdays or start date anniversaries 
  • Recent graduates
  • Birth of children
  • Achievements/accomplishments

Recommended Reading and Listening: 

  • Have tutors submit recommendations for great books/blogs/podcasts

Quote of the Week/Month: 

  • Inspirational quotes 

Meet the Team: 

  • Photo and bio of individual tutors and staff members- feature a new team member each newsletter 

Tutor Success Stories: 

  • Tutoring success stories written by tutors
  • Client feedback 

  • New or current contests/incentive programs 
  • Winner announcements

Tutor Doctor in the News: 

  • Links to news articles/videos/blog posts/podcasts featuring Tutor Doctor locally and globally – this is a great way to help tutors feel part of something big, because they are!

Professional Development:

Be clear that these are only something that may interest tutors and they are not mandatory.

  • Links to articles/webinars/online courses/conferences/seminars that tutors may find valuable for their professional development
  • Find content on sites such as: 

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