Tutor Skills

Tutor Skills

Tutor Skills is an e-learning platform that provides tutors with professional development to support them in becoming effective tutors and mentors. Tutor Skills is also a tool that supports you in creating tutors, increasing your recruitment by allowing you to confidently recruit non-teachers, and in building a well-equipped tutor team. 

Whether tutors are experienced or brand new, they can access valuable resources to support them in delivering quality support to their students and to help them to feel supported in their role. Tutors also receive a certificate of completion that can be added to their professional portfolio, making Tutor Skills a valuable addition to their experience working with Tutor Doctor.

Tutor Skills is a self-serve platform where tutors create their own accounts and enroll in courses without the need for you to do any admin work. The growing library of courses have been tailor made for Tutor Doctor and are available to tutors and franchisees at no cost!   

Tutor Skills Courses

  1. Tutor Skills courses are developed specifically for Tutor Doctor and all content aligns with Tutor Doctor brand standards.
  2. Each course is based in educational theory and tutoring best practices. 
  3. Course content supports new tutors with getting started and experienced tutors with refreshing their knowledge and honing their practice.
  4. Each module includes an assessment that must be successfully completed to move forward.
  5. Courses contain downloadable resources like templates and tip sheets, and tutors can navigate freely through completed courses making Tutor Skills a valuable resource and support for tutors. 
  6. Upon completion of a course, tutors receive a certificate of completion. 

Course Catalogue

  1. Tutor Doctor Brand Standards Orientation: The Tutor Doctor Brand Standards Orientation eLearning course orients tutors to Tutor Doctor and the tutor role. Tutors will learn about Tutor Doctor's values and brand standard processes and expectations, such as student matches and submitting session reports within 12 hours of a completed session, as well as valuable tips and strategies for building rapport and planning a strong first session. 
  2. The Tutor Handbook: Keys to Successful Tutoring: The Tutor Handbook details the fundamentals of tutoring such as planning effective sessions, Bloom’s Taxonomy, assessment, and more to set tutors and their students up for success. This course supports those who have never tutored before in getting off to a strong start and provides a refresh of best practices and theory and additional resources for experienced tutors.  
  3. Online Tutoring: The Online Tutoring course provides tutors with an in-depth understanding of online tutoring, including available online tutoring platforms, building rapport and student relationship in the online space, online best practices and safeguarding, effective online sessions, online student engagement, and online assessment. 
  4. Tutoring in UK Schools: The Tutoring in UK Schools course is designed for tutors working with their local Tutor Doctor office to service students receiving tutoring through in-school tuition programmes. Tutors will learn about designing learning outcomes, planning for success, assessment, student engagement and motivation, group tutoring, and specific information about working within schools. 
  5. 11+/13+ Entrance Exams: The 11+ and 13+ Entrance Exams course is designed for tutors working with UK students who are preparing to sit the 11+ and 13+ Entrance Exams for entrance into grammar schools and selective private schools. Tutors will learn about the significance of these exams, the exam boards that set the exam papers, the tutoring focus required to prepare for each exam, and how to effectively manage parent/guardian expectations. In addition, tutors will be provided with multiple resources to support them in preparing students for both the 11+ and 13+.  
  6. Academic Game Plan: (using the X-Skills Planner)- The Academic Game Plan certification course provides tutors with the knowledge and understanding needed to execute the planner based Tutor Doctor X-Skills program with their students.

As Tutor Skills is a self-serve platform, data about specific tutors and/or Tutor Doctor locations is not provided. To track your tutors’ course completions, we recommend having tutors notify your office upon completion of a Tutor Skills course and provide the certificate of completion as evidence of a completed elearning course. 

Accessing Tutor Skills

To access Tutor Skills, tutors need your office’s enrollment key. You can find your enrollment key in the Tutor Skills Enrollment Key Lookup sheet. 
  1. Accounts created with an enrollment key that does not match an active Tutor Doctor enrollment key are routinely removed by the Tutor Skills system. Deactivated accounts cannot be recovered. 
  2. Tutor Skills is a self-serve platform. Tutors create their own accounts and enroll themselves in courses, meaning no additional admin for you or your office.
  3. Franchisees are free to create their own Tutor Skills account and complete the courses too! 
Tutors visit Tutor Skills and create a user account using your office enrollment key. They can then enroll in courses and complete them at their own pace.  

The attached resources at the bottom of this article will help you to get your tutors started with Tutor Skills. Scroll down to find: 

  • Getting Started with Tutor Skills email template (don’t forget to include your enrollment key!)

  • Signing Up for Tutor Skills PDF instructions

For questions or support with accessing Tutor Skills, please contact admin@tutoringskills.com


  1. Can I give ICs access to Tutor Skills?
    1. Completing Tutor Skills courses should never be mandatory for ICs. If you’re unsure if you can provide Tutor Skills access to your tutors, please speak to your legal counsel for advice.
  1. How do my tutors use Tutor Skills?
  2. To get started, tutors just need your enrollment key and the link to the Tutor Skills website. The attached email template will allow you to easily share Tutor Skills with your tutor roster. You can also add the Tutor Skills URL and enrollment key to your tutor welcome email to make sharing this resource with tutors even easier. 

  1. Where do I get my enrollment key?
    1. You can find your enrollment key HERE
  1. How do I get an admin account?

    1. Tutor Skills is a self-serve platform where tutors create and manage their own accounts. Admin accounts are not required and are not available.

  1. Where can I see what courses my tutors have completed?

    1. Tutor Skills is unable to provide reporting for individual offices. We recommend having tutors notify you upon completing a Tutor Skills course. They can provide a screenshot of their certificate of completion as proof of completion.

  1. How do I contact Tutor Skills?

    1. Reach out to the Tutor Skills team at admin@tutoringskills.com


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