Where can I listen to Global Team Call? Where can I view previous recordings?

Where can I listen to Global Team Call? Where can I view previous recordings?

You can listen to Team Call using Zoom. We broadcast to all registrants every Tuesday at 11a.m. (EST). If you are not registered for the call, you can register by using this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqceCppz0rGtflGMlv6yfXLsAmQ9KDNx0V

To listen to previous Teams Calls, you can find all recordings in the Tutor Doctor Vimeo channel, which can be accessed through the Newsletter each week.

We also created a portfolio of all past recordings which can be accessed through the link here: https://vimeopro.com/tutordoctor/team-call. The password to the portfolio is "teamcall". Past and present team call recordings will be uploaded to this portfolio going forward.

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