Guide to Running Tutor Appreciation Events

Guide to Running Tutor Appreciation Events


As a Tutor Doctor Franchisee, one of your crucial responsibilities is fostering a positive work environment for your tutors. Tutor Appreciation Events not only provide a platform for showing gratitude but also contribute significantly to tutor engagement, retention, and overall job satisfaction. This guide will walk you through organizing and running these events effectively.

Impact of Running Tutor Appreciation Events

  1. Tutor Retention: By appreciating and recognizing your tutors' hard work, you make them feel valued and increase their likelihood of remaining with your franchise.
  2. Tutor Engagement: Regular events bring tutors together in a fun and casual setting, promoting interaction and engagement.
  3. Reinforcing the Community: These events reinforce the sense of community among the tutors. They encourage networking and foster stronger relationships among your team members.
  4. Branding: Events such as these are excellent opportunities for capturing testimonials and promoting your brand.

Types of Events to Run

  1. Lunch or Dinner: This could range from taking the top two tutors out for a meal to a larger gathering with the top ten tutors.
  2. Drinks Evening: An evening of relaxation and conversation can be a great way to unwind and connect. Remember to include options for those who don't consume alcohol.
  3. Game Night: A well-organized game night can be incredibly fun and engaging. You can choose traditional board games, online games or tailor-made games like 'Never Have I Ever - Tutor Edition' or 'Human Bingo - Tutor Edition'.
  4. Virtual Meet-ups: Given the prevalence of remote work, virtual events such as webinars, workshops, and online catch-ups can be a great way to connect with your tutors.
  5. Outdoor Activities: Depending on the preferences and interests of your tutors, consider planning an outdoor event like a picnic in a local park, a hiking trip, or a day at the beach. This would provide a great opportunity for team building and bonding outside the usual work environment.
  6. Charity Event: Arrange a day for your team to volunteer at a local charity or community event. This not only serves as a team-building exercise but also provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose, enhancing the overall morale and commitment of your tutors.
  7. Family Day: Involve your tutors' families in the event. This could be a BBQ, a fair, or a sports day where tutors can bring their partners, children, or close family members. This will demonstrate your appreciation for your tutors’ families and their role in supporting their work.
TOP TIP: Ask your tutors what types of events they would be interested in - this could spark some fun ideas to engage with your tutors!

Ways to Engage Tutors at the Event

  1. Games and Activities: Include interactive activities such as games to break the ice and encourage tutors to engage with one another. 'Never Have I Ever - Tutor Edition' or 'Human Bingo - Tutor Edition' are some fun examples. (Check out the attachments to this article)
  2. Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge the hard work of your tutors during the event. Present awards for milestones achieved or exceptional performances. Recognition can be a significant motivational tool.
  3. Open Forum or Q&A: Provide a platform for tutors to share their experiences, ideas, or concerns. This transparency can boost engagement and create a sense of ownership among tutors.
  4. Networking: Encourage tutors to interact with each other. Providing a conducive environment for networking can result in knowledge sharing, collaboration, and stronger team cohesion.

Tutor Appreciation Events in Action

Take a look at some of our franchisee's events in action!

Top Tip: Getting Testimonial Video Footage

Use these events as an opportunity to gather testimonial videos from your tutors. These testimonials serve as excellent marketing tools and provide potential clients a glimpse of the dedicated and satisfied tutors on your team. Check out our comprehensive guide on how to obtain these testimonials effectively.

Also check out these awesome testimonial videos from Tutor Doctor Subury that they recorded during a Tutor Appreciation Event

Running successful Tutor Appreciation Events requires some planning and execution. However, the impact they can have on tutor retention, engagement, and community building makes them worth the effort. Implementing these tips should put you on the path towards running a successful event and fostering a supportive and engaged tutor community.

Remember, at the heart of these events, lies the principle of gratitude towards those who play a pivotal role in our success - our tutors. So, let every event echo this appreciation and make every tutor feel valued and part of a larger family.

Check out the additional resources attached to this article!

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