June, July & August 2022 - Release Notes

June, July & August 2022 - Release Notes

1. BANG Ecosystem Changes: Some changes made to the lead source naming and categorization. Please read this article added to the Knowledge Base which will explain why we have chosen to improve these features in BANG along with knowing how to use it:- https://tdtickets.tutordoctor.com/portal/en/kb/articles/bang-lead-source-tracking-improvements

2. Upgrade and Downgrade Hours Notes Now Show in BANG. This is recorded under the client's profile under the notes section. 

3. Added a Hyperlink to the Clients Profile in the Low Hours Bell Notification.

4. Being Able to Email the Client After Doing a Quick Match and Also Having the Option of Sending It to the Tutor.

5. Added the Client First Name to the Session Reports. 

6. Added a Permanent Link to Idea Informer on BANG Under the Sales Ranking Wheel. 

7. Added the Student Name, Client Name and Subject When a Tutor Applies for a Job to the New Job Application Email Template. 

8. Added the Student Name in the Consultation Report Completed Notifications Email Template. 

9. Changed the Archive Icon on the Matching Dashboard to “X” for a Cleaner UI Experience. 

10. Sorted Lead Source and Channel in Alphabetical Order.

11. Renamed Source to Channel on Recap Report. 

12. Renamed Duplicate to Customize Under Email Templates.

13. Added a Lead Source Filter on the Leads Page. 

BANG Demo on these suggestions is covered in the below GTC recording from the 14:15 - 22:35 mark. 

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