Community Marketing Activity Execution Guidelines

Community Marketing Activity Execution Guidelines

Marketing Plan Execution

Community marketing activity is essential to the growth of your Tutor Doctor business and is one of the foundations of the Tutor Doctor franchise model. A well-documented marketing plan is key to this success and the following marketing process must be implemented in your business in order to establish the structure of Community Marketing as a pillar of the successful foundation. The structure below will provide distribution points for the marketing materials associated with various campaigns, such as Summer Learning, Back to School, Report Cards, Exam Preparation, Holidays, etc. It should be supplemented with Social Media postings, contests, etc. to promote interest within the target market of families to be served. Further details of all requisite Tutor Doctor marketing activities can be found in the ‘Marketing Activity Plan’ section of this document. 
  1. Zoning of Territories:  A worksheet comprised of all public, parochial, and private schools should be completed during the Road to Toronto for each specific territory within the Franchisee purchase.

  2. The worksheet is then sorted by zip code in order to ascertain the number of schools within each code.  From this analysis, specific “zones” can be set to maximize geography and traffic patterns to establish a “route” for regular monthly visitation purposes.  The number of schools within the territory as well as the geographic lay-out will determine the number of applicable “zones”.  For example, 100 schools within a territory would be divided into 4 zones with geographical exceptions.  This would provide a weekly rotation which results in all schools visited at least once per month.

  3. Within each zone, target businesses are to be identified for potential flyer “drops” in lobbies, on bulletin boards, rack cards, etc.  An example of the businesses include dentist offices, orthodontist, pediatrician, sports medicine clinics, nail salons, activity centers such as YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs, Athletic clubs, etc.  A record of all businesses must be maintained in order that materials be replenished on a 4 to six weekly basis with new marketing campaigns. 

  4. Within each zone, Business Partners must be identified (a minimum of 1 per zone) in which joint activities may be coordinated.  Examples include coupons for Welcome Folders in exchange for event opportunities, discounts on food items such as cookies, cupcakes, donuts, etc. for schools, pizza donations for teacher’s appreciation lunches, etc.  Business Partnerships play a key role in obtaining access to the family household in a positive manner.  For example, provide flyers to be distributed on Friday night pizza delivery and pens for the delivery drivers.

  5. School Visits are to be completed monthly and documented to include the names of representatives spoken with, types of materials distributed, additional information obtained regarding upcoming events, contact info for PTO members, fund-raising activities, business/revenue opportunities etc.

  6. Networking Activities:  Chamber of Commerce groups, BNI Networking affiliated groups, etc. should be identified in each zone.  Meetings can then be attended when working in the specific zone fulfilling other activities.  The zone schedule may be customized to include regularly scheduled meeting and events. 
Utilization of the zoning philosophy is designed to maximize effectiveness within an efficient utilization to time.  Calendars will vary depending upon the geographic location of events, consultations, Tutor interviews, etc.

Marketing Activity Plan

The below ‘core’ activities and instructions on how to execute will help form your community marketing plan. You must ensure that your ‘activity planner’ includes a consistent, healthy mix of these activities in order to achieve the requisite lead generation in your business. You must achieve a minimum of 12 hours of core community marketing activity and  1 event per week on a continual basis, and you must incorporate the zonal marketing process outlined above to effectively plan and execute this activity.

You should also review the Tutor Doctor Marketing Success Formula webcast regularly, as it provides detailed insight into the Tutor Doctor marketing approach.

This type of essential marketing activity should be considered your ‘Rock’ activity, and THIS VIDEO explains the importance to your business of prioritizing these tasks in your working day.

The list below is not exhaustive and franchisees are encouraged to create activities of their own design. However, all of the following activities are proven successful lead generators and MUST be included in the day-to-day running of your business. If franchisees are physically unable to carry out any of the prescribed activities (for example they may be subject to ‘gated communities’ in their territory and find it difficult to conduct residential leafleting) it is essential they compensate with an equal amount of similarly beneficial activity, so as not to dilute the process.

Marketing Activity Planner Tool

A marketing activity timetable template can be found attached to this article. It demonstrates how a week of core community activity looks on paper, and can be used to establish the above ‘Rock’ activities in your weekly routine, along with the other essential tasks such as consultations, tutor interviews, Big Apple, etc.

High quality community marketing activity will be the foundation on which you build your Tutor Doctor franchise. It will underpin your online marketing initiatives and produce a high volume of direct business in its own right when done correctly. The key to a consistently successful campaign, is to continually push yourself outside of your comfort zone, by engaging in a healthy mix of ALL marketing activities, rather than relying on those you feel most comfortable with.

Check out this Global Team Call recording to find out how you can make the most of the resources available in the Virtual Office. You can find and make a copy of the Marketing Planning Spreadsheet for 2021/2022 HERE

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