Community Marketing: Social Media

Community Marketing: Social Media

Social media (in particular Facebook) activity has become essential in building brand visibility. It will drive customers to both your digital & community marketing campaigns and promote your business in numerous ways - some of which are listed below. If used correctly and consistently, social media will be a significant generator of leads in your business.

  1. Joining local Facebook Groups - moms’ groups/community groups/school groups/parenting groups. Unsure what the difference between a Facebook Page and Group? Click here to learn more.
  2. Promote your campaigns (e.g. TOTY, Summer Reading Challenge, Spot the Tutor Doctor Car, Stock the Fridge). See campaign guides HERE.
  3. Run competitions (Stock The Fridge, Back To School)
  4. Post success stories (e.g. student/tutor of the month)
  5. Use engaging Tutor Doctor content such as graphics, videos, special day content
  6. Boost posts to gain visibility. Find out more about what boosts to post and how. 

Social media is especially important in a relationship business like ours, as well as with the millennial generation. As with live networking groups, social media is essential for building trust and relationships. It has an extremely low F1 cost per lead and as such you must as a minimum create and maintain a Tutor Doctor Facebook page for your business and post once a week.

Key Points
  1. Create entire new groups of friends online and use those people to promote your business for you!
  2. Make sure you're utilising Rallio and the posts Home Office schedules for franchisees. 
  3. Ensure you are posting local content such as events you're attending, photos of you stocking school fridges etc. Find out more about where to find local content here. 
  4. Post while ‘on the move’. Tell the community where you are right now – at an event, heading to a local school, meeting with a local business owner, at a networking meeting. You can use the Facebook Pages app for this. 
  5. Comment on local community happennings

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